
Monday, March 27, 2017

On Writing About the Stars

Stars? You mean celebrities right? I thought this was a book blog?

Chill everyone, this is still a book blog everything's fine. When I say stars, I don't mean celebrities but, come on, the cast of Supernatural would be so awesome to write about. Anyway! The stars I'm talking about are the literal stars in the sky. The reason I'm bringing this up is because I'm in the middle of writing a novel about them.

My story revolves around a girl named Skye who has major trust issues. You may have heard about her in my rant about people stealing work in my "On Writing about Demons" post.

Now Skye isn't a friendly person. She keeps to herself a lot of the times and doesn't like socializing. Can you guess her star sign? Right! She's a Scorpio.

So the reason why my newest post is about stars is because it's not the easiest topic to write about. I've been researching the Zodiac signs for 3 years now. THREE YEARS. My entire college career has been spent so far on research for this novel, because a lot of it is different from book to book. So if anyone out there wants to write about Zodiac signs, here's a few things to keep in mind.

1) Pick a style and stick with it! Like I said, there are tons of versions out there, so if you're going to write characters based on Zodiac signs, then choose one style and stick with it.

2) Choose a universe! If any of you have read Zodiac by Romina Russell, then you know that her version of the Zodiac takes place in a sci-fi galaxy type universe. Mine is in a modern day universe. So! When choosing your characters, take into account when and where they will be and who knows it may also aid in character development.

3) Craft your characters! This is probably harder than picking a style, because you are having to pick the characteristics to give to your character. For example, Cancer the crab is a very much at home sign. However, that could mean different things. Is Cancer meek and quiet like mothers in the 50s just doing housework and respecting their husbands? Or are they in control of the house while working two jobs, raising kids, and overall doing everything perfectly on their own as a single parent? Figure it out.

4) Determine your villain! So, we hear "Zodiac" and "Villain" in the same sentence, we think the 13th sign. That's fine if you want to go down the traditional route, but if you come up with something else keep in mind how they fit into the universe.

So those are a few things I thought would be useful. I may post on other topics later on. Until then, see you later!

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